Paddenstoelen || Mushrooms -Fungus


Zij zijn er in vele kleuren en vormen, maar vaak verscholen voor het blote oog.
Ik vind het prachtig om ze te zoeken en te fotograferen.

Ik heb het voordeel om te zijn opgegroeid in een periode dat de mensen nog veel korter stonden bij de Natuur dan nu

Zij gingen gewoon de Natuur in om bessen, noten en veel meer te zoeken, die ze dan gebruikten in allerlei lekkere recepten Zoals Vlierbessensiroop dat in de winter werd gebruikt tegen hoestbuien.

Maar ook waar, wanneer en hoe men Paddenstoelen kon vinden

Dit komt mij nu ten goede bij mijn Landschaps-Fotografie

Het is voor mij voldoende om van ver een bepaalde biotoop of boom te zien om te weten dat ik daar bijvoorbeeld paddenstoelen kan vinden.

Dat heeft me dan ook enorm geholpen om de foto’s te kunnen maken van de paddenstoelen hier beneden

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

 They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Paddenstoelen They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
My Web by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungus
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots- by theoherbots

Last summer pleasure
For this time of the year it is exceptionally warm in Belgium
While looking for mushrooms
Just enjoyed it in Het Stadspark Tie by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungi
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-P by theoherbots

Mushrooms -Fungi
They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-P by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

They come in many colors and shapes, but often hidden from the naked eye.
I love looking for and photographing them
Theo-Herbots-Photogra by theoherbots

Nature offers beautiful images not only in spring, but also in autumn
Here an early mushroom
People and animals also enjoy nature to the full
Since by theoherbots

This year the mushrooms are exceptionally early
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

This year the mushrooms are exceptionally early
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

Exceptionally early this year, these Mushrooms.
Check out the full article on my Blog
Theo-Herbots-Photog by theoherbots

Exceptionally early this year, these Mushrooms.
Check out the full article on my Blog
Theo-Herbots-Photog by theoherbots

I took this mushroom at night
Theo-Herbots-Photography by theoherbots

I took this mushroom at night
Theo-Herbots-Photography by theoherbots

I took this mushroom at night
Theo-Herbots-Photography by theoherbots

I took this mushroom at night
Theo-Herbots-Photography by theoherbots

Nature offers beautiful images not only in spring, but also in autumn
Here early mushrooms
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

Nature offers beautiful images not only in spring, but also in autumn
Here early mushrooms
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

Nature offers beautiful images not only in spring, but also in autumn
Here early mushrooms
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

Nature offers beautiful images not only in spring, but also in autumn
Here early mushrooms
Theo-Herbots by theoherbots

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Door Blogger-Network-Theo-Herbots

Beste lezer, Mijn naam is Theo-Herbots en ik ben een gepassioneerde blogger en fotograaf uit België. Ik heb altijd al een passie gehad voor het vastleggen van mooie momenten en het delen van mijn ervaringen met anderen. Op mijn blog schrijf ik over allerlei onderwerpen, zoals reizen, lifestyle, gezondheid en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Ik vind het belangrijk om mensen te inspireren en te motiveren om het beste uit zichzelf te halen. Naast mijn blog ben ik ook actief als fotograaf. Ik maak graag foto's van de natuur, steden en mensen. Mijn doel is om de schoonheid van het leven vast te leggen en anderen te laten zien hoe mooi de wereld kan zijn. Ik hoop dat je door het lezen van mijn blog en het bekijken van mijn foto's geïnspireerd raakt en geniet van al het moois dat het leven te bieden heeft. Met vriendelijke groet, Theo-Herbots Ps: Het zou Geweldig 👍zijn 1)indien U een reactie zou willen geven hier beneden 2) Mijn berichten zou willen delen op Sociale-Media met de Deelknoppen onder elk Bericht Alvast bedankt 😀💞

6 gedachten over “Paddenstoelen || Mushrooms -Fungus”


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